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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Specimens of Needlework

If I had a spare $9,000, I would LOVE to purchase this book: http://www.samplings.com/catalog/mercerletitia Not having that kind of spare change at the moment, I have decided that I needed to create my own Specimen of Needleworks. A while ago, when my days were very dark, my friends created many exquisite cross stitched smalls and put them in my treasure box. Of those gifts, some I believe I will include in this book. In the many postings online about needlework, I know that it's so nice to know about the stitcher so I will ask the gifter to include a small bio of themselves which I will take and scan in so I can stitch it in silk. My decisions about my book so far has been thus:
  1. Stitch everything in silk and leather although I notice the above book was created in the 1800 and still remains lovely. Kathleen and I though went to Chicago where textiles from ANCIENT civilizations survived. I have no idea where my Specimen book might end up but I pray that it will always be handled with knowing and loving hands.
  2. I'm thinking about a larger size book, like those old map books. That way I could include the bio and the stitching on one page or of sufficient size that a sampler could e stitched within it.
  3. I've decided that I am quite simply mad to start another project but the journey towards certifiability is always such a rush lol
Now, if YOU love samplers, please DO go to Finkel website. I've never seen a more wonderful collection of needleworks and from all reports on other yahoo groups, this family has customer service second to none! Click here to go to it:

Pictures used with permission
We appreciate that you asked our permission and you're welcome to have it on your site.
Amy Finkel
M. Finkel & Daughter
936 Pine St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I've been so busy working and being outside, I have had no time to update this blog. When I get on the computer and do something other than work, I tend to be more of a blog viewer than doer. I did decide that it was time to list the 2009 Stitching projects I want to work on. I will post their progress here as I do them.

I've been working on SPML: In the Cathedrals of the Forest. I will be working on my second block of 100. I've been diverted by the knitting I've really enjoyed doing. I need to get back to this and have bought oodles of needles so I can stitch faster hopefully.

The hard frost is now here in Iowa. Here is how it looked 7am this morning. Isn't it gorgeous against the morning sun? I'm sure there's a lucky clover in there for me if only I didn't have to rush to work!